Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Virtual Halloween, real fun

Curious about how Halloween is celebrated virtually?'s some 30 million WeeMees (registered users), who take the holiday pretty seriously, offer some examples. WeeWorld says that about 60% of all virtual goods purchased and "the vast majority of the gifts being given" in-world this month are Halloween-related (market researcher In-Stat predicts the total revenue in virtual worlds – driven primarily by the sale of virtual goods – will exceed $3 billion by 2012). "The most popular costumes for WeeMees this season are a cute witch for girls and a Saw-inspired mask for boys [see the home page for examples]. WeeMees can have pets, or Cweetures, and there are special limited-edition ones available only at Halloween time. "WeeMees are also: decorating their rooms with animated zombies, skeletons, pumpkins and more; sending branded gifts, getting movie-themed gear and watching the premier of the movie Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant. Then there's the ever-popular costume contest and a haunted house. Meanwhile, "WeeMees are trying not to get 'tricked' this year by their friends, e.g. being turned into a pumpkin or toilet papered."

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to know about Like others I have celebrated by Halloween day virtually. Enjoyed your blog very much.
