Wednesday, April 2, 2008

11-year-old school network admin

A small private school in Arkansas was struggling to keep its network of 60 aging donated computers going on a shoestring budget, so one of its students helped out. "The first thing Jon found as he leapt into the role of network was that he had to map out the network to find out what was on it," NetworkWorld reports. So he simply bought some software that could do that at his local electronics store, and that helped him uncover "an ungodly amount of computer viruses and spam." Then he evaluated some more software and got things into shape. He was also being his mom's knight in shining armor - she was the school librarian and had just had "computer support" added to her duties. Thanks to a poster in for pointing out this story (the post was in turn pointed out by a researcher colleague in Portugal, Daniel Cardoso - don't you love how information flows online?).

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