Monday, February 20, 2006

Apple: 2 worms in 1 wk!

Apple users got a pretty loud wake-up call about computer security this past week – or it just seemed loud because unusual. Though not a big security threat themselves, two Mac-targeting worms were released into the wild, ZDNET reports, in what security experts say is probably a trend. They called the latter, "Inqtana" a "proof of concept" worm that isn't likely to affect a lot of Mac users and just sends itself to other users, doesn't do damage. About the first worm, "Leap-A," the BBC reports that it targets iChat users. But "installing and running [it] requires users to go through several stages and this, along with bugs in Leap-A's code, have led security firms to play down the threat it poses." Of course, Symantec the security firm, "recommends that Mac OS X users keep antivirus and firewall software, as well as operating systems, up to date." But I also heard that a few months ago from an authorized Apple tech-support guy, who said he tells his customers they should get Norton anti-virus for Macs. Here's Apple's own page on Mac security. Clearly, Apple users can no longer afford to be complacent about security.

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