Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Update on $100k virtual land

Remember last week I linked to coverage of the $100,000 (real-money) purchase of a virtual resort-in-development in "the treacherous but mineral-rich Paradise V Asteroid Belt" in the online game Entropia? Well, it turns out that buyer Jon Jacobs, an avid Entropia gamer/citizen who appeared in a 2003 dance music movie Hey DJ!, plans to turn his virtual real estate "into a nightclub to change the face of entertainment," the BBC reports. He told the BBC that he "wants to call it Club Neverdie [after the name of his character in the game] and sees it as the perfect vehicle to bridge reality and virtual reality." It's hard to tell from the BBC piece how he'll do that - but maybe by providing live music for gamers while they play. He also told the BBC he's talking with "some of the world's biggest DJs" about doing the real music in his virtual nightclub."

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