Tuesday, October 25, 2005

ID theft: Fact & fiction

Some people will be comforted to hear that they're more likely to have their identity stolen in "real life" than on the Internet. "Fraud artists can bribe employees of banks or credit card companies who have access to confidential records, or they can pose as an employer or landlord to get a copy of your credit report, or simply steal a wallet, purse or your mail. One of the most common ways that information is snatched is through lost credit cards. All of those techniques are more frequent than any methods using the Internet," CNET reports in a thorough FAQ on the subject. It goes on to say what's done with our info after it's obtained, what we can do about it, and how to protect ourselves in the first place - even what software to buy to wipe our hard drives before getting rid of old PCs (a must).

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